Useful Numbers

Calow & Brimington Practice 220166 (all calls are recorded - please note although we are a two site practice all the calls are centralised to one office). Area code 01246 220166.

Health Visitors 01246 515100

Midwife 01246 470684

District Nurse 01332 564900

Out Of Hours 111

NHS 111 Service 111

Brimington Clinic 01246 733251

Chesterfield Royal Hospital 01246 277271

Stop Smoking 0800 0852299

Citizens Advice Bureau 01246 209164

Samaritans 0845 790 9090

Brimington Chemist 01246 273291

Calow Pharmacy 01246 222582

Inkersall Pharmacy 01246 281728

Staveley Peak Pharmacy 01246 472242
Staveley Market Place Pharmacy 01246 472413